Our Services

Health Screening

Family Planning


Minor Surgery

Maternity Care

Our Services

General Health Care

Acute Onset Illness

Chronic Disease Management

Injury or Accident Treatment

Wound Dressing

Ear Syringing

Diabetes Screening / Monitoring

Asthma Diagnosis / Review

24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring

Prolia Injection >>

Health Screening

Full Medical Health Check

Blood Tests for Diabetes

Hypertension / 24 Hour Blood

Pressure Monitoring

Resting ECG

Blood Tests for Raised Cholesterol



Influenza Vaccine

Cervical Cancer (HPV) – girls from

age 9 upwards (advanced booking is


Chicken Pox Vaccine (advanced

booking is essential

Family Planning

Mirena Insertion / Removal

Implanon Insertion / Removal

Emergency Contraception

Contraceptive Depot Injections

Advice on all forms of

Contraception and Prescriptions

Unplanned Pregnancy – Help and


Maternity Care

Pregnancy Test

Ante – Natal and Post Natal Care

2 & 6 Week Checks for Baby

6 Week Check for Mum

Minor Surgery

Abscess Drainage

Stitching of Wounds in Emergencies

Removal of Foreign Bodies e.g.
Timber, Glass etc

Skin Biopsy

Removal of Moles & Pigmented

Removal of Sebaceous Cysts

Joint Injection – Tennis Elbow,  Golfers Elbow, Arthritis of the Knee etc.

Removal of Skin Tags

Cryosurgery – Warts, Verrucae &
other Skin Lesions


Male & Female Health

STI Tests for Sexually Transmitted

Blood Tests for HIV, Syphilis,
Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C

Swabs or Urine Tests For Chlamydia
and Gonorrhoea

Sexual Difficulties (premature
ejaculation, impotence, painful sex,
vaginal dryness etc.)

Prostate Gland Examination

Testicular Examination

Breast Examination

Mole Checks

Cervical Smears

Sports Medicine

Mental Health Issues

Incontinence Advice & Treatment

Management of Premenstrual
Tension (PMS)

Investigation and Management of
Menstrual Disorders

Menopause Advice, Investigations
and Symptom Control

STI Testing
€120 includes a doctor’s consultation and STI testing for:
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Syphillis
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Chlamydia
  • HIV
    Occupational Medicine

    Occupational Healthcare aims to
    promote and maintain the highest
    degree of physical, mental and
    social well-being of employees in all occupations. At our practice we provide the following Occupational Healthcare services:
    • Pre-employment Assessments
    • Sickness Absence Reviews
    • Accident/Injury Assessment
    • Fitness for Work Assessment
    • Vision Assessment
    • Employee Vacinations (including
    Influenza, Hepatitis B and all
    Travel Vaccines)
    • Fitness to Drive Examinations

    Flu Vaccine

    The seasonal flu vaccine (flu jab) protects against 4 strains of flu virus. These are the strains most likely to be circulating this flu season.

    Travel Medicine

    We offer advice and vaccinations for international travel

    • Travel Vaccinations
    • Advice on Worldwide Travel Vaccination Requirements
    • Malaria Prophylaxis
    • European Health Insurance Card

    Click for more informaiton on travel vaccines and the EHIC.

    Health Examinations

    • Driving Licences
    • Insurance Medical and Claims
    • Mortgage
    • Legal Reports

    Cervical/Breast Health

    New Street Medical Centre and Rooskey Surgery offer services and information related to breast and cervical cancers.

    Click for more information.

    A Wide Range of Services for the Whole Family

    If at any stage you need more information on any of the services that we provide you can call us in confidence at our surgeries in New Street, Longford or Rooskey.

    Call now

    Longford: 043 334 5910
    Rooskey: 071 963 8024